Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Boy and His Sheep

Last fall when my mother was cleaning out her house of some old belongings, she ran accross an old stuffed sheep that someone had made her. While she fondly remembered the person who had made the sheep for her, she sat the sheep in a large pile of items to take to the GoodWill store in town and then continued on in her sorting. Caleb happened to walk past this pile of "treasures" and was instantly attracted to this sheep. When it was time to go, Caleb absolutely refused to release his grip on the sheep that he had adopted and had played with all afternoon. I asked mom if we could take it with us and she said that we may. And so began the love affair between a boy and his sheep. Since that day I have found this sheep in so many different places and situations that I began to take pictures of our encounters. I thought I would take a minute to show some of them off. Besides, I am a EWE-r. Sorry... Baaaad joke.

My first random encounter with the this new wooly member of the family came late one night after work. I crept into the house shortly after midnight. Everyone was asleep in bed and the lights were all out. I turned on the light to the living room only to find the sheep in middle of the room with a bowl and an apple at it's feet. You should understand that there were no other toys around at all. Just a sheep, an apple, and a bowl, right in the middle of the room. I do like to think of this as my son's first outward expression of following Christ's command to " feed my sheep".

One evening I found Caleb diligently reading a story to his sheep.
I wonder if this is how they get " Smart Wool " ...

Apparently sheep get cold feet because I find the sheep in socks all of the time. I often wonder how the sheep feels about always being put in cotton socks. I wonder if he finds them " itchy".

I find Caleb and his sheep sleeping soundly many many nights. Of course inquiring minds want to know... Who is counting whom?